DAS IST NICHT NORMAL! NORMAL? MITNICHTEN! Incredible! It snowed in Africa today! People are shocked!

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Snow in Kimberley 22 July. South Africa Residents of Kimberley were surprised to find themselves experiencing a white winter after snowfall in the Northern Cape city. Several areas in the Western Cape also received a dusting.
South African Weather Service forecaster Lulama Theme said the snow has been brought on by a very strong weather system which is pushing cold air from the South Atlantic. This has caused freezing levels to reach land, turning falling rain into snow.
The combination of such strong weather systems was reasonably unusual.The weather systems must be very strong to cause snow like this to happen inland. It's not very usual for it to happen in areas without mountains.
Earlier this week, warned that South Africans could expect a bitterly cold week.
The cold temperatures are due to a succession of cold fronts expected to sweep across the southern half of the country. The first cold front arrived in the south-western parts of the country on Monday afternoon, with another more intense cold front making landfall on Wednesday.
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