Corona: Was tun bei Impfnebenwirkungen / Was tun bei Infektion - Interview mit Florian Schilling

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Studien und Links

1. Autoreaktivität:
VOJDANI, A., VOJDANI, E. & KHARRAZIAN, D. 2021. Reaction of Human Monoclonal Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 Proteins With Tissue Antigens: Implications for Autoimmune Diseases.Frontiers in Immunology, 11.

2. Neuropilin als spezifische Eintrittspforte von SARS-CoV2/Spike ins ZNS:
ENGIN, A. B., ENGIN, E. D. & ENGIN, A. 2021. Current opinion in neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Current Opinion in Toxicology, 25, 49-56.

3. Bluthirnschrankenschäden durch Spike und Eintritt ins Gehirn:
REYNOLDS, J. L. & MAHAJAN, S. D. 2021. SARS-COV2 Alters Blood Brain Barrier Integrity Contributing to Neuro-Inflammation.Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 16, 4-6.

RHEA, E. M., LOGSDON, A. F., HANSEN, K. M., WILLIAMS, L. M., REED, M. J., BAUMANN, K. K., HOLDEN, S. J., RABER, J., BANKS, W. A. & ERICKSON, M. A. 2021. The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice. Nature Neuroscience, 24, 368-378.

4. Lipidnanopartikel-Verteilung inkl. Gehirn:
BAHL, K., SENN, J. J., YUZHAKOV, O., BULYCHEV, A., BRITO, L. A., HASSETT, K. J., LASKA, M. E., SMITH, M., ALMARSSON, Ö., THOMPSON, J., RIBEIRO, A. M., WATSON, M., ZAKS, T. & CIARAMELLA, G. 2017. Preclinical and Clinical Demonstration of Immunogenicity by mRNA Vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 Influenza Viruses. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy, 25, 1316-1327.

SZABAT-IRIAKA, B. & LE BORGNE, M. 2021. Brain safety concerns of nanomedicines: The need for a specific regulatory framework. Drug Discovery Today.

5. NAC bei schweren Verläufen und zur Prophylaxe:
IBRAHIM, H., PERL, A., SMITH, D., LEWIS, T., KON, Z., GOLDENBERG, R., YARTA, K., STANILOAE, C. & WILLIAMS, M. 2020. Therapeutic blockade of inflammation in severe COVID-19 infection with intravenous N-acetylcysteine. Clin Immunol, 219, 108544.

MANČEK-KEBER, M., HAFNER-BRATKOVIČ, I., LAINŠČEK, D., BENČINA, M., GOVEDNIK, T., OREHEK, S., PLAPER, T., JAZBEC, V., BERGANT, V., GRASS, V., PICHLMAIR, A. & JERALA, R. 2021. Disruption of disulfides within RBD of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein prevents fusion and represents a target for viral entry inhibition by registered drugs. The FASEB Journal, 35,e21651.

Kontakt für das Protokoll:

Florian Schilling

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