| Liste der Abkürzungen in den Drops

Hier nochmal eine hilfreiche Liste der Abkürzungen in den Q-Drops:

Q Anons Great Awakening

Q Codes List



+ - Soros family

++ - Rothschild family

+++ - House of Saud

187 - police code for Murder

[ ] - Kill box

5:5 - All Q plans are set in place but wait until Q gives Q Anons a 'go into action' command 

@Snowden - Edward Snowden

@Jack - Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter

4,10,20 - DJT, Donald J. Trump

ADM R - Admiral Rogers, Director of NSA

AF1 - Air Force 1, POTUS plane

AG - Attorney General

AL - Al Franken, Senator of Minnesota

Alice and Wonderland - Hillary Clinton and the Bloody Saudi Arabia

AM/#2 - Andrew McCabe

ANON - Anonymous

ANTIFA - Anti-Fascists, Soros backed domestic terrorists

AS - Adam Schiff, Antonin Scalia or Abigail Spanberger

ATL - Atlanta, state capital of Georgia

AUS - Australia

BIS - Bank for International Settlesments

BOB - Robert Mueller former Director of FBI

BO - Bruce Ohr (NO - Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr’s wife)
BO - Barack Obama (generally called Hussein though) also Board Owner

BHO/HUSSEIN/Renegade - Barack (Hussein) Obama, Renegade (traitor) was his USSS codename

BOD - Board of Directors

BP - Border Patrol

BDT - Blunt Direct Time

BUZZF - BuzzFeed

C-INFO - Classified information

CA - Canada

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

CF - Clinton Foundation

CFR - Council on Foreign Relations

Clowns/Clowns In America/C-A - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency

CM - CodeMonkey, 8chan Administrator

CoC - Chain of Command

COMMS - Communications

*CS - Chuck Schumer also Civil Service or Christopher Steele

CTR - Correct The Record

DC - District of Columbia

DJT/POTUS - Donald J. Trump, President Of The United States

DNC - Democratic National Committee

DOD - Department of Defense

DOE - Department of Energy

DOJ/D-J - Department of Justice

DOPEY - Alwaleed bin Talal

D's - Democrats

DWS - Debbie Wasserman Schultz

[EG] = Evergreen = HRC = Ever Green (Because she was always willing to give green light to [187], used Evergreen in emails as veiled death threat)

EM - Elon Musk

EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse

EMS - Emergency Messaging System also Emergency Medical Services

EO - Executive Order

ES - Eric Schmidt

EU - European Union

F&F - Fast and Furious (Feinstein's failed gun sale attempt)

f2f - Face-to-Face

FB - Facebook

FBI/F-I - Federal Bureau of Investigation

FED - Federal Reserve also Federal

FF - False flag

FISA - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

FLYNN - Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump


GJ = Grand Jury

GOOG - Google

GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Naval Base military prison and detention camp

GS - George Soros

H - Haiti

HI - Hawaii

HK - Hong Kong

HRC - Hillary Rodham Clinton (see [EG] Evergreen

HS - Homeland Security

HA/Huma - Huma Abedin

HUMA - Harvard University Muslim Alumni

Hussein - Barack Hussein Obama II 

H-wood - Hollywood

IC - Intelligence Community

ID/IDEN - Identification

IRS - Internal Revenue Service

ISIS - Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

JA - Julian Assange

@Jack - Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter 

JB - John Brennan, Former CIA Director

JC - James Clapper (Former DNI Director) also James Comey (Former FBI Director)

JFK - John Kennedy, former President of the USA before being assassinated in 1962

JOHNNY - John Conyers, US Representative for Michigan

JK - John Kerry also Jared Kushner

JS - John Solomon

KKK - Ku Klux Klan, started by the D's

L - Lynn Rothschild

LDR - Lord De Rothschild

LL - Loretta Lynch

LV - Las Vegas

MAY - Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


MB - Muslim Brotherhood

MI - Military Intelligence

ML - Marshal Law

MM - Media Matters also Million

MOAB - Mother Of All Bombs

MS-13 - Latino Drug Cartel

MSM - Mainstream Media

MW - Maxine Waters

MZ - Mark Zuckerberg

NG/NAT G - National Guard

NK/NORK/NOK - North Korea

NO - Nellie Ohr (Bruce Ohr’s wife)

NP - Non-Profit also Nancy Pelosi

ƒЯ3îž3î†√îЯû§, [04.05.20 16:31]
[Weitergeleitet von ƒЯ3îž3î†√îЯû§]
NSA - National Security Agency

NWO - New World Order

NYT - New York Times, American newspaper

OO - Oval Office

OP - Original poster also Operation(s)

PDB - President’s Daily Briefing

P_PERS - President Trump's Personal message to us

PG - Pizzagate/pedogate

PL - Presidential library

PM - Prime Minister

POS - Piece of shit

PP - Planned Parenthood

PS - Peter Strzok, FBI agent

Q - Person with an extremely high level of security clearance

Q+ - When Q has an opponent in check, or, President Trump

RC - Registered Charity

RNC - Republican National Committee

R's - Republicans

RED RED - Red Cross

[R] - Renegade = Secret Service code name for Hussein (BHO)

ROTH - Rothschild

RR - Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General) also Ronald Reagan

RT - Real time

RYAN - Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House

SA - Saudi Arabia

SAP - Special Access Programs

SC - Supreme Court

SD - State Department

SEC - Security also Secure

SESSIONS - Jeff Sessions (Attorney General)

SH - Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit

SID/We Don't Say His Name/John M - John Sidney McCain

SIS - Secret Intelligence Service (in the United Kingdom)

SK - South Korea

@Snowden - Edward Snowden

SOTU - State of the Union

SP - Samantha Powers

SR - Susan Rice also Seth Rich

SS - Secret Service

ST - Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)

TG - Trey Gowdy

TSA - Transportation Security Administration

U1 - Uranium One

UBL - Osama Bin Laden

UN - United Nations

US - United States

USMC - United States Marine Corps

USSS - United States Secret Service

VJ - Valerie Jarret

WH - White House

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One, We Go All

WL - Wikileaks

WRWY - We are with you

WW - Worldwide