Professor Sucharit Bhakdi explains what you need to know about covid-19 immunity and vaccination. He is a very good german epidemiologist and virologist. He has more than 30 years experience in this b...
Durch ANON 1,323 AufrufeX22 Report vom 30.6.2022 - Ein weiteres Stück des Wahlbetrugs-Puzzles kommt raus - Das wird den [DS]-Betrug zum Schweigen bringen - Episode 2813b
Durch ANON 805 AufrufeResearch reveals an alleged video of John Podesta at D.C.'s Comet Ping Pong, owned by James Alefantis. Consider the evidence... "WHAT IS MY NAME? JOHN!" CHILD TRAFFICKING is BIG BUSINES...
Durch ANON 2,235 Aufrufe