Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: why Bill Gates & Big PHARMA hates VITAMIN C - RT Deutsch Ausgewählte

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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: HIGH-DOSE VITAMIN C (50-100g) WORKS since 1940s.. RT Deutsch

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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: Vaccines have side effects and High-dose VITAMIN C (50-100g) WORKS since 1940 , confirming Orthomolecular Medicine (Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Abram Hoffer, Andrew Saul PhD, etc)

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: slams Fauci,Gates,Monsanto,Big Pharma - RT Germany

#FireFauci FireFauci, #TruthFreedomHealth , #Shiva4Senate, #LondonRealArmy
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: EXPLOSIVE INTERVIEW with 'Jasmin Kosubek' from 'RT Deutsch' ( 'RT Germany') in Berlin Germany

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist: slams Fauci, Bill Gates,Big Pharma,GMO, glyphosate, pesticides, toxins, germ theory with RT Germany

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai says High-dose Vitamin C works, since 1940s.

AMAZING, 23,000+ people worldwide watched this live stream when it was streamed!!
This video is ready to go VIRAL now...!

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biologist, holds four degrees from MIT and is a Fulbright Scholar.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai slams fear-mongering 'fake science' virus hunters (Gallo, Fauci, etc) GMO, Monsanto, pesticide glyphosate (Round-up), and quotes Professor Peter Duesberg (UC Berkeley).

Vitamin C has been proven for infections/pneumonia/many conditions , read:
- Dr. Fred Klenner
- Dr. Robert Cathcart
- Dr. Thomas Levy
- Dr. Linus Pauling etc

P.S (forward widely):
1. Bill Gates never vaccinated any of his three healthy children (Phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates, Rory John Gates), according to Gates' family physician.

2) Many children of the 'elites' attending the most elite private schools in America and the world, are not vaccinated. Look it up online.
Elite private schools in America include Lakeside School (Bill Gates), Phillips Exeter Academy (Mark Zuckerberg), Phillips Academy, Trinity School NY, Harvard-Westlake, etc. What do the 'elites' know that we don't?

3) Bill Gates invested over $30 billion in Monsanto and Pharmaceutical firms with CAGR 20% growth rate. Gates' wealth increased to $102 billion in 2020 from $52 billion in 2010 thanks to strategic investment in pharmaceuticals companies, chemicals, and GMO (Monsanto).

4) In 2019, the top 10 Big Pharma companies in Fortune 500 made over $250 billion in NET Profits (not revenue), exceeding the rest of the 490 of the Fortune 500.

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Veröffentlicht: 5 years ago

Kategorie Videos  /  Global Change

Schlagwörter dr shiva ayyadurai who deep state

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