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Ash Live from Bonjuk Bay, Turkey presented by The Moment: Exceptional Trips brings culture, nature and music together every month from Turkey's best destinations.
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00:00 Ash - Souls
09:04 Ash - Worlds Apart
14:35 Ash - Where's My Mind
20:39 Ash - Daydream
25:44 Ash - Le Beirut (ft. Samia)
32:03 Ash - Homes
37:51 Ash - About Life
43:08 Ash - Senses
46:59 Shadden Fahim - Funeral Of Our Fire (Ash Remix)
52:14 Ash - Heaven
57:41 Ash - (Unreleased)
01:01:53 Ash - Little Changes (ft. Jinadu)
01:07:28 Ash - Mourning
01:13:08 Ash - Mosaïque
Exceptional Trips: https://www.instagram.com/exceptional...
Director: Volkan Yıldız
2nd Cam Operator: Hamza Aydın
Drone Operator: Hasip Arvas
The Moment: https://www.instagram.com/themomenttr/
Partymag: https://www.instagram.com/partymagapp/
Veröffentlicht: 1 year ago
Kategorie Band/Musiker / Musik o. Werbung / Langversionen
Schlagwörter Ash Bonjuk Bay Bonjuk bay Live at Bonjuk Bay live Turkey Ash live Ash Bonjuk Bay Ash life at bonjuk bay Ash Turkey Bonjuk Bay Ash ash music AshOnSoundcloud electronic melodic dance music piano guitar drums live music live set Ash live set scenic chill live instruments instruments Bonjuk Bay live set Bonkuk Bay live