12 - Corona - Die who ist GESTORBEN ! sofort gucken ! Quellen: https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/ausland/usa/id_87705776/coronavirus-trump-dreht-who-den-geldhahn-zu.html https://www.youtube.com...
2,085 AufrufeThe Financial Times is the first major international newspaper to be granted an interview with the Russian leader for 16 years. Here is the exclusive interview with editor Lionel Barber and Moscow bur...
5,600 AufrufeIn this short video I discuss Dr. Fauci's Deep State connections, the media blackout on Epstein & Bill Gates' relationship, & the power that has always been in possession of the Patr...
2,284 AufrufeHere's what you need to know about QAnon, the right-wing conspiracy group that's gone from 4chan to making real-life appearances at Trump rallies. » Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.i...
5,306 AufrufeThe future proves the past. Qanon has predicted many things before they happened proving that it's a legit source. Big thank you to Copyright free music for providing an amazing backing track....
34,535 AufrufeThe Interview with Noreen Gosch starts at 5:30 minutes. Noreen Gosch who is the mother of kidnap victim Johnny Gosch in her first interview with Alex Merklinger on the Mysteries Of The Mind radio show...
2,569 Aufrufe*Follow links below to listen* who is WHO? Podomatic: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/tkelly6785757/episodes/2020-04-18T05_43_13-07_00 Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/25690165 ...
29,288 Aufrufe(EN) “I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling but my old partner Eric, who literally has done me harm for I don’t know how long, is the on...
35,402 AufrufeHunter Bidens E-Mail-Skandal hat hohe Wellen geschlagen. Auf seiner Festplatte wurden eine Menge Sex-Fotos und -Videos entdeckt. Und diese kursieren nun wie Lauffeuer durchs Internet. Twitter sperrte ...
2,382 AufrufePeople are gathering at the Black Lives Matter Plaza, in front of the White House in Washington DC on Tuesday November 3, on the occasion of the 59th US presidential election. The organisers call...
1,631 AufrufeA group of protesters march through the streets of Washington DC on Tuesday November 3, on the occasion of the 59th US presidential election. The organisers called for the voters to come and suppor...
1,196 AufrufeIn this video I hope to clarify my thoughts on Christ and Revelation. In no way do I want to change your beliefs. These are just my thoughts. who is my God? The same God that Jesus spoke to and cried ...
806 AufrufeIn our modern, long-hours culture, we place a high value on career and success. So it’s not surprising that retirement is seen as an end, rather than the start of something new. But it’s a mis...
504 Aufrufe