Looking into the archaeological site of Castulo, Spain and its connection to an Armageddon type event in our past Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/conspiracyrus (Du kannst in den Eins...
1,171 AufrufeWelcome to APM Research 24/7, this stream is a progression of our research and decodings over the last 5 years after finding flat earth and working out how this world really works and presenting our f...
133 AufrufeEine Hypothese über die Riesen. Der Youtube Kanal von Razgadki Istorii, lasst ihm einen Like da! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCste08XxGZY8L-2G-HLbGWw
1,358 AufrufeWelcome to APM Research 24/7, this stream is a progression of our research and decodings over the last 5 years after finding flat earth and working out how this world really works and presenting our f...
118 AufrufeWelcome to APM Research 24/7, this stream is a progression of our research and decodings over the last 5 years after finding flat earth and working out how this world really works and presenting our f...
4,125 AufrufeIn this episode we get back to the basics and discuss the mudflood. The video cuts out at the beginning and has many errors. My computer has major problems this week and so does my brain. I woke up wi...
867 AufrufeThank You ALL for all the help and supportThank You All for being so Awesome➡️ Please Like - Comment - Subscribe and Share ⬅️ Check out all my links here https://linktr.ee/auto_didactic...
1,447 AufrufeThank You ALL for all the help and supportThank You All for being so Awesome ➡️ Please Like - Comment - Subscribe and Share ⬅️ Check out all my links here https://linktr.ee/auto_didacti...
1,894 AufrufeEinleitung zur mehrteiligen Verfilmung der Augenöffner-Serie auf der Webseite von Thomas Christian Liebl www.thomasliebl.de , erstellt von Dirhael. Am Sonntag 30.01.22 erscheint Teil 1 und jeden folg...
1,379 AufrufeThank You ALL for all the help and support Thank You All for being so Awesome ➡️ Please Like - Comment - Subscribe and Share ⬅️ Check out all my links here https://linktr.ee/auto_did...
853 AufrufeTeil 1 - Verfilmung der Augenöffner-Serie auf der Webseite von Thomas Christian Liebl www.thomasliebl.de, Stimme und Video von Dirhael. Weitere Teile folgen "Diese Artikelserie ist a...
358 AufrufeHerzlich Willkommen zu Phioo will`s Wissen https://t.me/PhiooWW https://www.facebook.com/groups/2421753548070195/ ArchäologieNews https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHRPOBwAek7Bsb8Ljl5YCiQ/feature...
965 AufrufeLooking at Liquefaction and how this phenomena ties into the Mud Flood..... "Tiger Doug" video talking about "Mountains Melting Like Wax": https://www.youtube.com/w...
1,454 AufrufeFra Mauro map https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/rj936rb9983 #tartaria #mudflood #starfort #historyreset #alterna...
862 AufrufeFull Video Here https://www.syncretismsociety.com/ My Merch Store https://autodidactic.bigcartel.com Watch the Full Video here https://www.syncretismsociety.com/ Thank You ALL for all the...
753 Aufrufe