Die „Geheime Offenbarung des Johannes“, das letzte Kapitel der Bibel, deuten viele Zeitgenossen als den Zusammenbruch unserer derzeitigen Zivilisation. Eine grosse Rolle spielt dabei die „Hure B...
2,728 AufrufeWie die Legalisierung von Cannabis in Kalifornien zum grossen Geschäft wird. Rund 12.500 Farmer leben im Humboldt County, im Norden Kaliforniens vom Cannabis-Anbau. Auf den fruchtbaren und sonnigen H...
6,231 AufrufePut on your seatbelts, you're in for a bumpy ride. I show you how so-called 'philanthropists' use language and veneers to hide their bad deeds as they de-humanize us. These peo...
2,894 AufrufeAuch den deutschen GrünInnen unter ihrem Chefrasputin Habeck kann man ein gutes Gespür für den richtigen Zeitpunkt nachsagen. Corona und Merkel raffen die Arbeitsplätze dahin, machen die Taschen d...
1,802 AufrufeAt the turn of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla built a laboratory and a huge tower for transmitting electrical power, only to abandon the site a few years later
29,672 AufrufeHidden deep into a mountain is an abandoned army base which was used to store ammo during World War 2. The base was built into the solid rock to protect it from air attack. The site includes tunnels, ...
29,753 AufrufeIn the modern battlefield, troops might have to fight an enemy in the vast subways and water systems underneath huge cities, or in the pitch-black tunnels guarding the North Korean defensive line. A n...
30,539 AufrufeWhile the threat from neighbours Russia prompted Finland to begin constructing a huge network of underground facilities in the 1950s, the work continues to this day — a series of 400 separate facili...
1,875 AufrufeLooking into the archaeological site of Castulo, Spain and its connection to an Armageddon type event in our past Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/conspiracyrus (Du kannst in den Eins...
1,188 AufrufeTrump in Arlington Veterans Day Zeremonie Der Präsident ehrt die gefallenen Soldaten. Der Nationalfriedhof von Arlington liegt in Virginia. Er ist der bekannteste Soldatenfriedhof Amerikas. Hier...
1,392 AufrufeThe fight for freedom goes on! Share this on social media, thank you! TWITTER: BananaMediaQ (FREEDQM-2Q2Q) Protests around the world against lockdowns and governments part 3. Another huge compilatio...
1,068 AufrufePlease share this video, it's time to stand together even more! Scroll down to read more / Timings: TWITTER: Q-FREEDOM2020 (BananaMediaQ) Protests around the world against lockdowns, government...
1,160 AufrufePlease share this video, it's time to stand together even more! TWITTER: Q-FREEDOM2020 (BananaMediaQ) Protests around the world against lockdowns, government and tyranny part 2. Another huge c...
1,236 AufrufePodcast: https://anchor.fm/vision-2020 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Martinkenny2020 Contact me: mkvision2020@protonmail.com We decided to launch U.D. early (meant to launch on Dec 21)!! We...
919 AufrufeJoin this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwXFxXgYPh0edZ9zWi-331A/join intro music artist Kevin Macleod at https://www.incompetech.com music artist at the end is ...
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