I wanted to make the simplest pocket HHO generator. The use of screws gives us a large electrode surface due to the thread, in addition it is very cheap. To bu...
1,940 AufrufeMaking a stove that burns used cooking oil to replace gas - super efficient
604 AufrufeIn this video of "Hidden Technology" we have made a prototype of an engine that works only with water. We have modified this electric generator to be able to produce electrical energy using ...
760 AufrufeMaking Portable HHO Generator for Torch
614 AufrufeIn diesem Video zeige ich dir neue KI's von Google und Meta, die du unbedingt kennen solltest. Google hat mit SoundStorm und Meta mit Voicebox AI's vorgestellt die ultra realistische Audios ...
566 AufrufeI built this Rocket Mass Heater on my back porch. It is one of the most efficient wood burning heaters known to humans. Timelapse version of this project here: I modele...
483 AufrufeFull details of this project available here: This stove is called a Rocket Mass Heater (RMH). It is a hyper-efficient wood burning stove made mostly out of earthen mate...
491 Aufrufe