(EN) Bizarre Face of the Moon in Early Art and Photography | Bizarres Antlitz des Mondes in der frühen Kunst und Fotografie

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No early photography and especially art anywhere in the world, in all past centuries, depict or portray the same Moon as today with any appreciable accuracy. Nobody even approaches a vivid, clear, recognizable Moon like, as if, it wasn’t up there saying “draw me!” !

Even the unaided eye allows for a better visual capture, by the hand of an artist, than what Galileo with his telescope and artistic hand crafted, lasting all these centuries, of oversized, extra, and missing craters. In this video I think I’ll look at what they do show and try to begin to make some sense of it.

Going back to early photographs of the Moon, it gets a bit fuzzy and off, and going back to drawings, ALL drawings, and paintings, ALL paintings of the Moon and it is like, SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. By shape, color, stupid faces, surface, weird craters, no craters, huuuge craters, and bulges. How different WAS the Moon?

I'm Douglas a.k.a. UAP


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