X22Report Spotlight with Frank: Algorithms Modified, [DS] Exposed, truth And Transparency The Only Way Forward
1,829 AufrufeX22Report Episode 2143b: Soon The World Will Understand, The truth Will Shock The World
1,674 AufrufePrepare Today And Save $70 On A 2-Week Food Kit My Patriot Supply http://preparewithx22.com Today's Guest: Zach Vorhies Website:Zach Vorhies https://www.zachvorhies.com/ Most of artwork t...
1,796 AufrufeDon't Fall Victim to Identity Theft! Click Here! http://www.protectwithx22.com Get a FREE DARK WEB SCAN & FREE 30 DAY TRIAL ^^^^ Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Cha...
3,243 AufrufeX22Report Episode 2148b: “The truth Is Learned, Never Told”, Countdown To Treason, Blackout Coming
1,688 AufrufeClick "Subscribe", then see: https://youtu.be/Hgx-DEAjtHI #FireFauci Petition: https://shiva4senate.com/petition-fire-fauci/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/va.shiva.ayyadurai Instag...
1,815 AufrufeDEUTSCH: https://wwg1wga-tv.de/v/kGtUH At the time we published this copy of Out of...
2,123 AufrufeDon't Fall Victim to Identity Theft! Click Here! http://www.protectwithx22.com Get a FREE DARK WEB SCAN & FREE 30 DAY TRIAL ^^^^ Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel –...
6,292 AufrufeBe prepared for any emergency. Go to http://preparewithdavid.com today! Overnight, America has been placed under varying degrees of lockdown, after one governor after another issues orders mandat...
29,772 AufrufeORIGINAL: https://youtu.be/7j0f6c-3x6s James Comey , the former FBI Director, is expected t...
1,714 AufrufeWir brechen das Schweigen! #FreeAssange Die deutsche Friedensbewegung fordert Solidarität mit Julian Assange! ✊ The german Peacemovement demands solidarity with Julian Assange! #NoUSExtradition ...
5,928 AufrufeBuy/Stream 'Anjunabeats Volume 14': https://Anjunabeats.lnk.to/Vol14digiYo Group Therapy Weekender: https://ABGT.lnk.to/TheGorgeYo Stream us on Spotify: https://Anjunabeats.lnk.to/AboveBey...
1,801 AufrufeVery easily the president's finest and most inspiring speech to date. Get ready for a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Here's to the FUTURE! #TRUMP2020 This is a re-upload after the previous video, tw...
5,299 AufrufeEin Kunde verweigerte wohl das Tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes. Nach Identitätsfeststellung der Polizei und beim Verlassen des Ladens habe einer der Polizisten wohl der Frau, einer der Männer, ins ...
2,034 Aufrufe