Sacha Stone, founder of Humanitad, has sources at the presidential, royal, and high priest level around the world. Today in 12 minutes he predicts that President Trump is about to make a world-changin...
2,832 VistasArmed with a Valyrian steel sword named Deal-Maker, Donald Trump embarks on a quest through Westeros to take care its border policies.
1,926 VistasEx-CIA-Offizier Robert steele sagt, sie hätten alles, was nötig sei, um den tiefen Staat zu Fall zu bringen. Tun Sie es!
1,290 VistasEs geht um den größten politischen Skandal in der amerikanischen Geschichte, "Obama-Gate", nämlich um den Versuch der radikalen Demokraten US-Prä...
1,906 VistasFrom 1982 Album: "The Message"...(Click "show more" for artist info)... DJ Grandmaster Flash and his group the Furious Five were hip-hop's greatest innovators, transcending...
2,221 - Where FREE SPEECH Makes a STAND #StopBitBurning
1,066 VistasRobert David steele ist der pro bono Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) von Earth Intelligence Network, einem 501c3, das sich der Lehre von Holistic Analytics (HA), True Cost Economics (TCE) und Open So...
1,085 VistasMy hero, Mr. Charlton Heston. "From my cold dead hands" THE SECOND AMENDMENT VINDICATED! The Court said; "'The people' . . . unambiguously refers to all members of the p...
2,085 VistasThis is the steel bar used in the construction of a building in China. Its fragility is disturbing. In China, it’s everyone's dream to own their own home. China's real estate industry is a...
819 VistasWhy are there so many tofu-dreg projects in China? According to an article published in the Daily Economic News of mainland China, the author claims that he used to work in a construction administrati...
1,927 Vistas I wanted to make the simplest pocket HHO generator. The use of screws gives us a large electrode surface due to the thread, in addition it is very cheap. To bu...
1,941 VistasThis extending dining table was one of the toughest woodworking projects I've ever taken on. I partnered with Nikon to make this video on the Nikon Z 6II which, as you can see, seriously upped my...
1,778 VistasOfficial video for "In Hell I'll Be In Good Company" by The Dead South. Stream/Buy the full album, "Good Company": Stream th...
1,880 VistasUm die 150 verschiedene Tomatensorten baut der Tomatenkenner Thomas Seidl jedes Jahr in seinem riesigen Garten in Österreich am Mondsee an. Rigotti kommt aus dem Staunen kaum noch raus beim Anblick d...
784 Vistas