Bleiben Sie auf den markierten Wegen (Bandelier National Monument) In this video we explore Bandelier National Monument located in beautiful New Mexico. The ruins are located in Frijole canyon which ...
1,165 AufrufeThis week we look at American History and the Brewery. What did the first American breweries look like? Of course they would never build a castle as a brewery. I am sorry for my absence last week. My ...
670 AufrufeThis week I finally get some boots in the mud. Chief and I explore the Sunnyside Utah charcoal ovens. We are told they built 700 charcoal ovens, in the late 1800's, in the middle of nowhere. Join...
930 AufrufeIn this episode I share my thoughts on life simulation and the nature of reality. What do you think? Do we live in a simulation? Thanks for watching, being here, God bless, and I love you all!!! ...
672 AufrufeIn diesem Video untersuchen wir die Batterie. Zu den Orten, die wir erkunden, gehören Redstone, Colorado, Mykene, Griechenland, und schließlich das wunderschöne Napa Valley, Kalifornien....
669 AufrufeIn this video we visit Sunnyside Utah, Redstone Colorado, and finally Greece. Thanks for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! If you like this video, or any of my past videos, consider donatin...
619 AufrufeThis video explores 4 different topics including skin walkers, shooting stars, ufo's, and finally fluctuating time. I was just in a random mood. The title and thumbnail are all wrong and overall ...
623 AufrufeThis video is not very good. The sound is unbalanced and it is too long. I set out to explore the ghost town of Dragon Utah. I hoped to get a feel of how the journey may have been in the late 1800&...
618 AufrufeIn this video we discuss the eclipse, invisible moons, and black orbs. Of course I don't know. I am just a student of life. The 100 degree weather is intense. I was born in Atlantic City and m...
740 AufrufeThe UN has released a report about China's atrocities against its Uyghur ethnic minority, which mostly reside in Xinjiang, China, and it's gotten a lackluster reception from many Uyghur acti...
854 AufrufeWelcome. This video is about my thoughts on things that interest me. These ideas will not be common, popular, and may create feelings of resistance. Part 1 Bricks to Mud Part 2 Anne Heche Welcome t...
620 AufrufeThanks for being here! I hope you enjoy ;) I will not be posting next week in order to take care of some things. Thank you Patreons and all supporters!!! God bless, and I love you all!!! If you...
680 AufrufeIn this exploration of the southern reaches of our realm we will explore two cities for signs of past civilizations. Dunedin and Oamaru are both located on the small southern island of New Zealand. I ...
657 AufrufeIn this episode we explore a Peruvian Temple and the Spokane Washington courthouse. Next video will publish October 23 2022. Thanks for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! If you like this v...
561 AufrufeThanks for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! Next video will be published November 20 2022. If you like this video, or any of my past videos, consider donating $1.
562 Aufrufe