Police and protesters clashed as demonstrators took to the streets of Minneapolis in anger over the killing of 46-year-old George Floyd. Floyd’s family is demanding that murder charges be brought up...
1,845 AufrufeKARE 11 is live with ongoing coverage of protests Welcome to the KARE 11 News YouTube channel. Subscribe to our channel for compelling and dramatic storytelling, award winning investigations, break...
2,669 AufrufeGeorge Floyd und Derek Chauvin, der ehemalige Polizist, der wegen Mordes an Floyd angeklagt war, arbeiteten einen Großteil des Jahres im selben örtlichen Club, bevor sie letzte Woch...
1,862 AufrufeVideographers for The Times captured the scene outside the Third Precinct in Minneapolis as peaceful demonstrations over the death of George Floyd turned violent, and a group of protesters set the bui...
6,382 AufrufeDie grossen Datenkonzerne wie Google, Amazon oder Facebook sind zu einer weltweiten Gefahr geworden. Sie schränken die Redefreiheit ein, zensieren unerwünschte Themen und haben sich inzwischen gegen...
1,321 AufrufeThe fight for freedom goes on! Share this on social media, thank you! TWITTER: BananaMediaQ (FREEDQM-2Q2Q) Protests around the world against lockdowns and governments part 3. Another huge compilatio...
1,068 AufrufePresident Donald Trump recalled the scary moments when a gunman fired shots at his campaign rally over the weekend, injuring him and killing one attendee. Subscribe to FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul ht...
454 AufrufeDonald Trump spoke to supporters early Wednesday morning after Fox News projected him to win the 2024 presidential race. Subscribe to FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClw...
122 Aufrufe