#WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE Dedication: ‘Where We Go One, We Go All’ is dedicated to JFK and is in support of The Great Experiment, the initiative to end veteran homelessness: Writer, Produc...
1,416 AufrufeI absolutely love this song. It's so beautiful. Shame it's so short. I tried to find a way to extend it. It's not perfect but I hope you'll like it. Played on Korg Krome. Pia...
1,365 AufrufeMelania Trump tells Barbara Walters she encouraged him to run and talks about what kind of First Lady she would be. -- SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/ Watch More on http...
1,973 AufrufeDr. Li-Meng Yan is a scientist who was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she turned whistleblower on the Chinese Government, after she alleged they knew about the spread of the co...
33,841 AufrufeCrooked Hillary, enough said. "The Crooked Hillary Bunch" is a political parody conceived and created by Gizmo Productions in Orlando, FL. We claim NO OWNERSHIP OR COPYRIGHT to any photograp...
1,365 Aufrufe# I'm so excited and i just can't hide it # Yeah! That hit rocks! # I want to squeeze you, please you, i just can get enough and if you move real slow i let you gooooooo..... # Thats the bes...
1,152 AufrufeThe film is about a crocodile, mouse, cat and elephant who are all trying to make their way up the career ladder, using all of the contradictory knowledge they have gleened from various management bes...
33,091 AufrufeYou can stream all of my songs here; Spotify: https://smarturl.it/01poj5 Itunes: https://smarturl.it/4mnqma BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/maestroziikos SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL MY TOP...
1,238 AufrufeYou can stream all of my songs here; Spotify: https://smarturl.it/01poj5 Itunes: https://smarturl.it/4mnqma Donald trump Store: https://smarturl.it/uspcoa BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon...
2,186 AufrufeDer sonderbare Weg vom #Volksvertreter zum #Volksverräter... Demokratie ist ganz einfach, der Satz "Alle Macht geht vom Volke aus" zeigt doch ganz klar wie es zu gehen hat. ...
33,719 AufrufeThis video has been published on this channel with the consent of the YouTube creator at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh0rW3mfBi8 Trump Prophecy: The Trump Prophecy 2020 is a follow-up to the 20...
34,429 Aufrufe*Satire-Video Das Corona-Virus ist unterschiedlich gefährlich. Je nach Strasse, Hausnummer oder Uhrzeit muss man sich mehr davor schützen. Und wenn du daran zweifelst, bist du ein #Covidiot. #coron...
34,052 AufrufeDer Grund warum die Frau des Bürgermeisters von Moskau Hunter Biden 3,5 Millionen Dollar zahlte… Buchempfehlung: Donald Trump https://c.kopp-verlag.de/kopp,verlag_4.html?1=415&3=0&am...
34,093 AufrufeWELT: 112 Dislikes in 35 Sekunden entfernt!!! In diesem Netzfund sieht man, wie auf dem YouTube Kanal von WELT Nachrichtensender Schritt für Schritt die Dislikes verschwinden.
29,157 Aufrufe#Karl #Hilz #Rede #Querdenken #Demo #München #Polizist Nach dieser Rede wurde der Ex-Polizist Karl Hilz von der Versammlung ausgeschlossen. Dies ist nur ein Vorabauszug der Rede in gekürzter Form...
1,609 Aufrufe