Picking up a thread from my last video, I examine Arizona in more detail. The shooting deaths of 3 former Senators who were investigating child trafficking tied to their states' Child Protecti...
6,213 AufrufeNew photos reveal Bill Clinton posing with Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madam. About Rising: Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking ...
2,544 AufrufePresident Donald Trump has been touting the term: “Obamagate,” but he has yet to explain exactly what crime he thinks former President Barack Obama has committed. Subscribe to HuffPost today: ...
1,849 AufrufeDonald Trump's method to deal with the Republican nomination process during the US presidential election 2016. Donald Trump is the Trumpinator.
1,691 AufrufeMake America Great Again - Er wütet gegen Ausländer, beleidigt Frauen und wirbelt die Weltpolitik durcheinander – Donald J. Trump, der 45. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Viele Europäer denke...
2,301 AufrufeCrooked Hillary, enough said. "The Crooked Hillary Bunch" is a political parody conceived and created by Gizmo Productions in Orlando, FL. We claim NO OWNERSHIP OR COPYRIGHT to any photograp...
1,363 AufrufeDonald J. Trump Jr in #Georgia: The Republican Party without a backbone is gone, and anyone that doesn't fight should go with it
1,258 AufrufeFolge uns auf Telegram: https://t.me/TranslatedPressDE „Herr Präsident wehren Sie sich, wenn die Republikaner jetzt nicht kämpfen, wird nie wieder ein republikanischer Präsident gewählt werden&...
1,998 AufrufeBiden benutzt ein Ohrstecker (https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bhMAAOSwoLFee678/s-l640.jpg). Als Joe Biden das Kapitolgebäude betritt, salutiert er nicht vor den dort stehenden Marines. Stattde...
1,888 AufrufeTo support my efforts to create more clips please donate to me at www.patreon.com/allinaday. In 1990 I did interviews with 180 baby boomers talking about their early life during the 1960s for my telev...
2,159 AufrufeWatch a compilation of some of President Ronald Reagan's best debate moments while running for office. Table of Contents: 0:00 "Youth and Inexperience" 1:12 "They Can Darn We...
1,747 AufrufeUS president Joe Biden is rolling out a national vaccine mandate and it's going over really well with about half the US–if you measure that in governors. Governors in the other half of the coun...
1,831 AufrufeEs gibt ein Chy-Na in der Ukraine... Ich wette, das habt ihr nicht kommen sehen, oder? ChYna """ Ich fand es schon immer seltsam, wie Trump "Chyyynnaa" sagte.
1,207 Aufrufe