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1,676 views***This location is now sealed*** Today we visit a place that few know of and fewer have been able to visit. Originally this was two separate sets of tunnels that where dug in the 1800's but d...
1,728 viewsGraffiti gegen SPD-Politiker "Querdenker" nehmen Lauterbach ins Visier "Ein mutmaßlich von "Querdenkern" gesprü...
1,646 viewsFrom 1982 Album: "The Message"...(Click "show more" for artist info)... DJ Grandmaster Flash and his group the Furious Five were hip-hop's greatest innovators, transcending...
2,212 viewsTHX 1138 ist ein Science Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 1971 von George Lucas mit Robert Duvall, Donald Pleasence und Sid Haig. THX 1138 ist ein dystopischer Film von George Lucas, in dem Mensch...