Was Sie gleich sehen werden, ist bisher der Öffentlichkeit verborgen geblieben, auf Kosten vieler Leben guter Männer. Link zum Originalvideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuWEXFu6...
187 AufrufeHeute mal einen Blick auf die aktuellen Verschwörungstheorien geworfen und das ganze verfeinert mit etwas Klartext! Jetzt auch auf Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AntiilluminatenTV Quellen:...
2,016 AufrufeThis is a "Best of" clip of the full show. I created these for people who prefer shorter videos. Want more Best of Clips with no ads? See the B2T Clips channel here: https://www.youtube.com/...
5,699 AufrufeSupport your health today with Collagen! Click Here! http://www.healthwithrick.com This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^ Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA http://bit.ly/2zL5Gq1 Noble Gold...
1,983 AufrufeAn update of the Silent War which have been going on for 5 days now. It's a war which is currently taking place underground, within the D.U.M.B's (Deep underground Military Bunkers) betw...
2,684 AufrufeThe plan of the Elite to escape the destruction that is coming on the Earth involves underground militarized bases. The bases are fully stocked with food and supplies, which will allow the Illuminati...
1,934 Aufrufe***This location is now sealed*** Today we visit a place that few know of and fewer have been able to visit. Originally this was two separate sets of tunnels that where dug in the 1800's but d...
1,724 AufrufeWelcome to the BigRigTravels YouTube channel! BigRigSteve is an American truck driver that shares his daily routine and experiences while living his life out on the open road. Come explore the mult...
16,006 AufrufeHidden deep into a mountain is an abandoned army base which was used to store ammo during World War 2. The base was built into the solid rock to protect it from air attack. The site includes tunnels, ...
29,742 AufrufeDUMBS sind Bauten und Städte tief unter der Erde. Welchen Sinn machen diese Einrichtungen und woher stammt das Geld dafür?
2,618 AufrufeApril 14, 2003 1. US special forces agent standing with a map of underground tunnels in Baghdad 2. Close shot map 3. Tank driving to location 4. Troops walking and then entering building 5. Troop...
2,244 AufrufeIn the modern battlefield, troops might have to fight an enemy in the vast subways and water systems underneath huge cities, or in the pitch-black tunnels guarding the North Korean defensive line. A n...
30,500 Aufrufe