Questo documentario è stato realizzato dalla ricercatrice e autrice Janet Ossebaard dai Paesi Bassi, con l'aiuto di innumerevoli "Anons" in tutto il mondo: "Contie...
34,337 AufrufeIn this short video I discuss Dr. Fauci's Deep State connections, the media blackout on Epstein & Bill Gates' relationship, & the power that has always been in possession of the Patr...
2,313 AufrufeThis is a "Best of" clip of the full show. I created these for people who prefer shorter videos. Want more Best of Clips with no ads? See the B2T Clips channel here:
5,708 AufrufeSupport your health today with Collagen! Click Here! This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^ Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA Noble Gold...
1,989 AufrufePlease share this video, it's time to stand together even more! TWITTER: Q-FREEDOM2020 (BananaMediaQ) Protests around the world against lockdowns, government and tyranny part 2. Another huge c...
1,236 Aufrufe