Hunter Bidens E-Mail-Skandal hat hohe Wellen geschlagen. Auf seiner Festplatte wurden eine Menge Sex-Fotos und -Videos entdeckt. Und diese kursieren nun wie Lauffeuer durchs Internet. Twitter sperrte ...
2,382 AufrufeJuly 4th 2021 #INDEPENDENCE #DAY The most powerful person in the world, Joe Biden & richest man in the world, Bill Gates face Nuremberg Trials 2.0 at appear on Hitler&a...
1,066 AufrufeJoe Biden Singing about His Latest Fall Learn how to make Everyone Sing: You can stream all of my songs here; Spotify: Itunes: htt...
1,182 AufrufeSeveral videos emerged of Biden seemingly having a senior moment. At the Biden G7 summit, president biden seemingly walks off to nowhere. The White House is saying these videos are cheap fakes. But wa...
161 AufrufeGraphics illustrating the race for the White House as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump look to secure the 270 electoral votes needed to become President or the United States. READ MORE: https://www.t...
113 Aufrufe