Die Machenschaften von Gates (Chips, Geburtenkontrolle, Impfung)
34,338 AufrufeYou're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Ri...
3,243 AufrufeAn update of the Silent War which have been going on for 5 days now. It's a war which is currently taking place underground, within the D.U.M.B's (Deep Underground Military Bunkers) betw...
2,687 AufrufePCR-Test weist keine Infektion sondern lediglich Kontakt nach
2,049 Aufrufe#‎diewahrheitliegtaufderanderenseite‬
1,624 Aufrufe#‎diewahrheitliegtaufderanderenseite‬ FAIR Use!
2,276 AufrufeSchwrzVyce ist ein hipHop Künstler, der mit dem Song "Fake News Media" auf die Gleichschaltung deutscher und internationaler Mainstream Medien hinweist und Fehlinformation und Panikmache im...
2,127 AufrufeProduktion/ EinWesen // Mix/Master/ Soul One // Lyrics/ Asaru One Free audio download + lyrics auf https://asaruone.bandcamp.com "Buy digital Track" klicken und 0€ eingeben. Asaru...
1,683 Aufrufe#FlacheErde #Nasa Deutsche Untertitel: Quelle: Cosmonauts Say: The Earth is FLAT and No One Has Ever Been To Space https://youtu.be/yAj7ZqMa31Y Danke an Toni für die Übersetzung: https://www...
759 AufrufeYou're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks....
3,655 AufrufeFilm Projekte unterstützen: https://www.paypal.me/yoice/ Das machiavellistische System, in dem wir heute leben, wird in den Massenmedien mit allerlei Euphemismen als die 'fr...
1,493 Aufrufe#WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE Dedication: ‘Where We Go One, We Go All’ is dedicated to JFK and is in support of The Great Experiment, the initiative to end veteran homelessness: Writer, Produc...
1,414 AufrufeDonald and Melania Trump talk to CNN's Larry King Live just months after their extravagant wedding about the couple's relationship and what the future has in store. (From May 17, 2005)...
1,583 AufrufeDr. Li-Meng Yan is a scientist who was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she turned whistleblower on the Chinese Government, after she alleged they knew about the spread of the co...
33,840 AufrufeCrooked Hillary, enough said. "The Crooked Hillary Bunch" is a political parody conceived and created by Gizmo Productions in Orlando, FL. We claim NO OWNERShip OR COPYRIGHT to any photograp...
1,361 Aufrufe