Die Teilchenphyikerin Dr. Katherine Horton (ehem. CERN-Institut, DESY). Sie studierte an der renommierten Oxford-Universität. Sie lehrte Nuklearphysik und Teilchenphysik am Hertford Co...
1,746 AufrufeI take you through the whole incident leading up to the Portland Massacre videos with this AMAZING VR 360 cam Video. I breakdown exactly what happened with Greg Isaacson a Well know and respected USMC...
2,616 AufrufeResearch reveals an alleged video of John Podesta at D.C.'s Comet Ping Pong, owned by James Alefantis. Consider the evidence... "WHAT IS MY NAME? JOHN!" CHILD TRAFFICKING is BIG BUSINES...
2,203 AufrufeSky News host Paul Murray says given the evidence “hasn’t really stacked up” to this point about the origins of the coronavirus, the world should pay attention to a Chinese virologist who points...
1,370 AufrufeTrump erklärt sich zum Sieger und will Briefwahl-Auszählung vom Supreme Court stoppen lassen. Gegen 2.20 Uhr Ortszeit trat US-Präsident Donald Trump im Weissen Haus vor seine Anhänger - zu de...
1,406 AufrufeTrump alleged that the Chinese Communist Party used the Dominion voting system to steal the U.S. election and that Biden and others would wind up in jail. For such serious allegations, they must have ...
2,206 AufrufeBiden benutzt ein Ohrstecker (https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bhMAAOSwoLFee678/s-l640.jpg). Als Joe Biden das Kapitolgebäude betritt, salutiert er nicht vor den dort stehenden Marines. Stattde...
1,880 AufrufePeter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home) Lyrics: Standing there alone, the ship is waiting All systems are go, are you sure? Control is not convinced But the computer has the evidence No need...
1,557 AufrufeSo how do we get more than one DJT? Trump could have gone back to a recent earlier year, and then brought this slightly younger version of himself back and we now have two Trumps. These two could then...
1,068 AufrufeWho was John Titor, and could he be connected to the Q Truth Movement? NOTE: 'The Trump Time Travel' series was originally released by this channel in 2018. Empirical evidence abounds tha...
986 AufrufeAn ACT OF GOD is ahead that will be the culmination of the Plan to Save the World. GOD is allowing the Soldiers in His Army to assist in very heroic ways, but GOD and His Son hold the final Trump Card...
1,035 AufrufeREMASTER of the Trump-Tesla Connection vid released in 2018. Explores empirical evidence surrounding the possibility that John G. Trump and Nikola Tesla not only worked together, but could have been e...
1,222 AufrufeIn this video we will examine the greater realm and recent evidence suggesting that we may live in a crater. We will also discover how Disney and NASA fit into this fascinating theory. I hope you e...
947 Aufrufe