(D) Laut dem Wahlsicherheitsexperten Russell Ramsland senden 28 STAATEN Wahlergebnisse an einen Remote-Server in Frankfurt. Die Server basieren auf der SCYTL-Software, die von MIT Tech ...
1,615 AufrufeThis week I take an old chunk of walnut that I have had for a few years and turn it into a $4000 fireplace mantel for a customer across the country. Giveaway: https://gleam.io/FWHt9/1-milllion-sub...
1,494 AufrufeThis extending dining table was one of the toughest woodworking projects I've ever taken on. I partnered with Nikon to make this video on the Nikon Z 6II which, as you can see, seriously upped my...
1,797 AufrufeStew Peters & Matt Taylor: Und es bewegt sich doch... Nano Schaltkreis Entdeckung? Nanopartikel in Impfstoffen reagieren auf Router-Frequenzen Frequenzen von Handys und La...
557 AufrufeIf you're interesting in owning this one-of-a-kind build, feel free to reach out to Eddie's Guitars for more information! https://eddiesguitars.com/contact-us/ The cypress wood used in t...
109 Aufrufe