Welcome to APM Research 24/7, this stream is a progression of our research and decodings over the last 5 years after finding flat earth and working out how this world really works and presenting our f...
133 AufrufeWelcome to APM Research 24/7, this stream is a progression of our research and decodings over the last 5 years after finding flat earth and working out how this world really works and presenting our f...
118 AufrufeWelcome to APM Research 24/7, this stream is a progression of our research and decodings over the last 5 years after finding flat earth and working out how this world really works and presenting our f...
4,167 Aufrufebeste szene aus monty pythons holy Grail? ich finde schon! "also schlussfolgern wir logisch: ... wenn ihr.. gewicht das gleiche ist wie einer kalten ente.... dann.. muss sie aus holz sein. und...
808 Aufrufeaus: Die Ritter der Kokosnuß (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
716 Aufrufe#martinliedtke #mudflood #flatearthbritish #tartaria In the eradication ,and ongoing cover up of the destruction, and annihilation of the previous civilisation Tartaria we find great efforts have b...
556 AufrufeAugen zurücksetzen! Die älteste Generation, die je fotografiert wurde #martinliedtke #mudflood #tartaria #resets #starforts #flatearthbritish Today we present rare daguerreoty...
1,287 Aufrufe#resets #mudflood #tartaria #starforts #martinliedtke Birds eye perspective maps of Old America all share striking similarities. How are these maps produced ? It's a mystery to me. Another...
301 Aufrufe