@maxtv7944 Today, we have prepared something truly special for you! In this episode, you will witness people who perform their tasks so skillfully and successfully that it seems as if they are rea...
158 Aufrufe►KANAL-SUPPORT: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=36E6Q4GGXAVB2 ► MC BOGY & B-LASH Kanal abonnieren: http://ytb.li/MCBogy ► Den Podcast via Patreon supporten: http://mcbogy.f...
166 AufrufeWelcome to Yanjin, China - the narrowest city in the world! This place is AWESOME! More than 100,000 people call this unique city home, living in high-rise buildings along a narrow strip of land b...
131 AufrufeWhile asking people to sing in Montreal, Canada, I met Kayla. Upon first meeting her, I never knew that she was bullied by her fellow students and teachers. That is, until I had a conversation with he...
286 AufrufeLuke Silva performing a cover of When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars with @AllieSherlockMusic Spotify
281 AufrufeBook your Jamaican Vacation here: https://cbpvacations.com/ I went to Jamaica and asked random people to sing with me. Find G Melodiii: G Melodiii - Bad Gyal (Parental Advisory) https://www.y...
721 Aufrufe„Kennt ihr schon die Young Global Leaders? Global Shapers ist eine zweite Ebene des Eindringens durch Klaus Schwab und das Weltwirtschaftsforum im Rahmen des Great Reset. Es ist tief.“ Quelle: ...
137 AufrufeIn-scene Media brought to you by Audible I was asking people to sing on the streets of New York City when Martell was walking by. He seemed hesitant at first, but I'd soon learn he's full...
227 AufrufeFirst song "Creep" Performed by Jacob Koopman and Rafael Zaccarias Original Video... https://youtu.be/IeupKzf3EdE Jacobs PayPal :PayPal.Me https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jacobkoop...
176 Aufrufe► KANAL-SUPPORT: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=36E6Q4GGXAVB2 ► MC BOGY & B-LASH Kanal abonnieren: http://ytb.li/MCBogy ► Den Podcast via Patreon supporten: http://mcbogy....
95 AufrufeOh Wow! These contestants from Italy truly shocked us all! 0:00 - Nick Casciaro - The X Factor Romania 2021 3:58 - Nini - The X Factor Italy 2024 5:47 - Stefano Paolini - BGT 2022 S15 10:22 - ...
69 AufrufeWe could feel his nerves. John Pierce doesn't let his jitters get the better of him as he delivers a heartfelt rendition of Radiohead's classic track, 'Creep'. But will it be en...
63 AufrufeToday I am in Montreal, Canada to ask Canadians one simple question..."Will you sing with me?" Follow me on my adventure through this wonderful city! Kawtar is so intrigued by my "Si...
108 Aufrufe